Transparency, loyalty, impartiality, honesty, integrity, a continuous commitment to quality, the continuous improvement of safety in the workplace, and respect for the environment, are the fundamental values that the SOL Group wishes to find in, and constantly encourage among, all of its employees.
The SOL Group believes it is possible to develop and improve its performance above all through its human resources.
All employees of each Group company, regardless of their roles and type of employment contract, are responsible for the objectives assigned to them and thus must have the opportunity, within the limits of their duties and with respect for the organisation, to make decisions and work in a substantially independent manner, and forge a strong, loyal relationship with the company.
The main stimulus enabling us to improve our professionalism must be found from within ourselves: in our inquisitiveness, in the determination with which we tackle new challenges, in our desire to learn, and to tackle new developments.
In the Group’s companies there can be no room for any lack of respect, intolerance, illicit conditioning, harassment or discrimination of any kind. This principle must in no way, and for no reason, be departed from, and it must be followed by everyone at all levels and in all circumstances.
The SOL Group undertakes to create and maintain a working environment in which personal characteristics cannot give rise to any form of discrimination.
The SOL Group is constantly engaged in respecting national labour regulations in every country it operates in, together with international conventions and recommendations including the resolution of international bodies such as the ILO (International Labour Organisation) and the UN (United Nations Organisation).