Integrated quality, safety and environmental management system

The SOL Group has developed and adopted an Integrated quality, safety and environmental management system so as to ensure coverage of all its activities, eliminating pointless duplication and placing the focus on the importance of synergies.

Top Management has issued a specific Policy for each area of business, which can be consulted and downloaded from the Group’s Website.

Since 1994, SOL Spa has adhered to the Responsible Care Programme and followed its Guiding principles. Responsible Care is a worldwide voluntary programme, promoted in Italy by Federchimica, that encourages the chemical industry implement measures and policy designed to ensure the health and safety of workers, environmental protection, and also the disclosure of the results achieved.

Health and safety

Safeguarding the health and safety of workers is a basic essential value for us. It is based on an ethical vision of work that guides everyday activities throughout the Group.

Reaching the “Zero accident” target is a goal that all our operational units set themselves each year, and they almost always reach it, thanks to the commitment of all workers. Analysing the causes of accidents and the corrective actions taken, together with continuous training for all workers, are fundamental tools for the prevention of accidents. Attention to safety is extended to our customers, through an analysis of the risks during all phases of the life-cycle of our products and services: from their design to their production, sale, use and disposal.


Third-party verification and the resulting certifications of conformity to ISO regulations of reference, confirm the validity of the Integrated management system adopted by the SOL Group.

The number of certified units is increasing continually.

The certifications obtained can be consulted and downloaded from the Group website.



All our activities are guided by our commitment to sustainable development, and our efforts to achieve the maximum standards of environmental efficiency that go beyond mere compliance with laws and regulations.

We are aware that the quantities of natural resources available are shrinking, and for this reason we aim to improve the energy efficiency and use of resources by our plants and our operations in general, whilst at the same time taking great care to limit the impact of our emissions on the environment.

Attention to environmental sustainability is not limited to productive activities but also extends to the development of products, applications and services that help our customers improve their environmental performance.